Speech Therapy

The Role of the Speech Therapist

A person can encounter speech disorder at any age due to a lack of developmental issues or traumatic conditions. This doesn’t mean the person cannot get back to normal. In children, this can be a form of stutter or complications in understanding and putting the words together and in adults speech impairment can be caused due to trauma or illness. In the elderly difficulty in talking can occur due to multiple conditions like Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, or post-stroke.

The root of all of this can make a person feel that they’re unfit in society and they tend to isolate themselves. It is important to provide help and support to a Speech therapist or language pathologist as soon as the problem has been identified.

At Caregivers, we provide expert language and speech therapists that handle cases of all age groups. Our therapists help the patients communicate better and help them get back their confidence by using interactive sessions in the comfort of their homes.

Speech Therapy for Children

Depending on the speech disorder the speech therapy may take place in a classroom, group or one on one session. The activities done in the therapy may differ depending on the child’s disorder, needs, and age.

During speech therapy, the SLP may

  • Communicate with the child by playing, using pictures and books, or other objects to stimulate language development
  • Help the child make correct sounds and syllables
  • Provide homework or plans for the child and parent or caretaker on how to do in-house speech therapy.

Speech Therapy for Adults

Speech therapy for adults mostly depends on improving language, speech, and cognitive communication.

During the therapy, the SLP may

  • Make the person do tasks based on problem-solving, memory, organization, and cognitive communication
  • Use Breathing exercises for resonance
  • Use conversational tactics to use improve socially
  • Speech therapy exercises to strengthen the oral muscles.

What Are the Types of Speech Therapy Available?

Speech Therapy for Stuttering

Parents and Families don’t realize that stuttering can be really frustrating for kids and adults, as they fail in controlling the repetition of words, syllables, and sounds. They feel helpless and blame themselves. A Speech-language pathologist can prepare a plan to control your stuttering through behavioral modification techniques like breath monitoring and speaking in a controlled manner. Slowly the person will start to stutter less.

Speech Therapy for Apraxia of Speech

With Apraxia, the person knows what they want to say but they struggle to take the right word and syllable at the right time. It is usually limited to certain sounds. It is not a temporary disorder. The SLP takes two assessments one for oral- motor activity and the other to listen to the person’s speech for stresses and pauses. With daily activities and exercises, the person eventually improves their speech ability.

Therapist holding a book during speech and language therapy session
Man having conversation with therapist during speech therapy session

Speech Therapy for Aphasia

Aphasia is caused due to brain injury, it is the symptom of brain damage. A person with aphasia may have a hard time finding the right word and they end up saying inappropriate words in a conversation. The diagnosis involves the ability to understand and express thoughts, and swallowing abilities. Through constant guidance of an SLP, the brain tissues do repair and the person can improve speech.

Speech Therapy for Swallowing Difficulty

A person with swallowing problems struggles to have control over their tongue and mouth and their speech comes out more varied than expected. Swallowing problems are caused by nerve damage, neck area, and head. Speech therapy treatment can help the person with a balanced range of tongue motion, and enhanced chewing habits that can lead to improvement in their language ability.

Who Is Speech Therapy For?

Speech therapy is for people who find it hard to express through their speech and language. Anyone who has problems with words, sounds, and syllables no matter what age group they belong to, needs a speech therapist.

But Speech therapy treatment is exclusively for someone who may have the below disorders.

  • Hearing impairments
  • Cognitive (intellectual, thinking) or other developmental delays
  • Articulation disorders
  • Weak oral muscles
  • Autism
  • Fluency Disorders
  • Motor planning problems
  • Respiratory problems (breathing disorders)
  • Resonance Disorder
  • Receptive Disorder
  • Eating and swallowing disorders
  • Expressive disorder
  • Aphasia
  • Traumatic brain injury

Why Choose Our Speech Pathologists

Home Care

Our pathologists treat patients at home and patients don't need to travel for hours to the speech therapist.

Patient Centric Approach

Our speech therapist address the needs of the patients and build a bond with clear communication.

Advanced Techniques

Our pathologists use plans and strategies that could help the patient recover in a minimum amount of time and they follow international clinical protocols.

Advanced Speech Language Pathologist

Our pathologists are well trained and you don't have to go through a hard time of finding a perfect therapist, we will come to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Speech therapy is the assessment and treatment of communication problems and speech disorders.

Be sure that your SLP has a master's degree MA or MS and is certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Book your appointment with CareGivers and we send a certified speech therapist to your home in no time.

Stuttering, Apraxia of Speech, Aphasia, Swallowing Difficulty

As speech issues can happen at any age, we see patients of all age groups, from children with developmental issues, to adults with traumas and to elders going through their old age.

Yes, Speech therapy with regular oral exercises and strong practice can cure stuttering.

At Caregivers, our Speech Pathologists are renowned for their expertise and dedication to helping adults with speech therapy. The duration of speech therapy for adults varies based on individual needs, goals, and progress. Typically, sessions can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, with regular evaluations to track progress and adjust treatment plans as necessary. Our team is committed to providing personalized care to ensure optimal results for each individual.

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